Monday, June 21, 2010

Calvary Colonial Kid's Ministry is GROWING!

We are so excited with the expansion of the Children's Ministry as we are over flowing in our current classrooms... This past Sunday we had 6 babies, 11 toddlers, 10 k-3rd graders, and 7 in our 4-6th grade classroom...many of our kids were on vacation as well... so we are clearly busting at the seems in our classrooms! PRAISE GOD!
THANK YOU to Jay, Doug, Bobby and theBridge for all your hard work in the construction and rebuilding of our new classes!! The picture above shows the new big room addition to our ministry..the guys knocked out a wall and filled in doors and created new doors... The kids are going to be so blessed with a space big enough to worship Jesus!
The guys are really moving fast speed to get our 3 new rooms up and going...I was in yesterday and blown away that paint is already going up on the walls!!!!
At this rate we should be in soon :)
Thank you Jesus for providing this extra space and the men who are giving freely of their time to bless our children!

1 comment:

Pastor Tom Hallman said...

Wow! I haven't even seen it yet! I just got back from California and can't wait to take a "look see" for myself! It looks great guys...the Lord is blessed by all your hard work! ptom