Friday, July 16, 2010

Putting their hands to the plow in Peru!

Today was filled with ministry for the team....from tearing down a building so that a new one could be built to praying and laying hands on this precious little one. One of the ministry team got to minister to this little one and their mom. She asked God for a miracle to heal her son's hip.

In the later afternoon the team headed of to the park to prepared for outreach with skits and worship and to prep for a christian concert on Saturday. Please keep the team in prayer.

Pray that the high altitude will not effect them and that they remain strong in His power and might.


ourjoyfulljourney said...

Glad to see they got there safe and God is bringing work to them already! Praying for God to continue the work thru all of them and that He continues to give them strength!

Pastor Tom Hallman said...

We are blessed the team "Peru 2010" is there and blessing those in Arequipa....continue being a blessing! ptom