Thursday, July 22, 2010

Soul Survivors on Danger Island - Week 2

Last night was the second week of our five week VBS. God has blessed us with an awesome time learning about Him. Last week we learned to Abide in His Word and this week we headed through Big Shadow Cave as we learned to Trust in Jesus, just as David did as he faced Goliath.
The kids are really having lots of fun. Last night they made sling shots and shot marshmallows at Goliath. GodzNus tribe competed against tribe Redeemer Screamerz in an obstacle course. Abby and Tiffany lead us all in some really fun island worship songs. We had ladybugs for snack and the kids favorite part was when they had to climb through Big Shadow Cave to get to their bible story.
Looking forward to next week as we learn to pray in all situations!

1 comment:

Pastor Tom Hallman said...

all i can say is "wow!"....i wish i could be on Soul Survivor Island! I can see why our kids really like the VBS, it's full of fun and the Word!

I gotta hand it to all the teachers and helpers on this VBS...they are really going above and beyond all they've ever done! Great job to all the Children's are all really shining the Light of Jesus to everyone! ptom