Monday, July 26, 2010

Teachers of the Word

At our last women's bible study we concluded the book of Philippians. It has been a transforming book in our hearts and minds of our ladies. God has been so faithful in that what He has begun in these women's lives He is faithful to complete.

At this study we recapped the entire book of Philippians having each lady teach a portion of the book. It was so great to see each woman take great steps of faith and do a 10 minute teaching.
The ladies taught with great illustrations, applications, word studies, zeal and heart. It was a powerful evening!

The women's study will be on break in August BUT ...

Join us this Friday night for the WOMEN'S REFRESHER. This is a night for women to invite other women to come and be refreshed. Jodi Wang from Calvary Chapel Stafford will be our guest speaker.

Also in the month of August we will be heading off to Richmond to a Beth Moore Conference!

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