Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Beach Baptism and Family Picnic

Last weekend we held our annual summer beach Baptism and family picnic. This was truly a Spirit-Filled day! The weather was awesome, so many families came to fellowship and celebrate with those being baptized! We enjoyed lots of yummy food, some really fun games for all ages :) and then had the most Christ Filled afternoon of baptism. It was a scene right from the bible...Pastor Tom standing upon the rocks looking out giving out God's word and the people receiving the message. Worship was awesome! Many were baptized from young children to men and women and married couples! We rejoice greatly at the celebration of their new life in Christ. The pictures of each of their faces as they raise up out of the water is amazing! They are light, and happy and full of grace!!!
Thank you God for the gift of your Son and the Salvation He has given to us!

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