Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Pumpkin Picking 2010

Sunday was a beautiful day God provided for the children's ministry to jump on the ferry and head out to College Run Farms in Surry to pick pumpkins.
We had so much fun. The kids were adorable and they were so cute running around looking for the most perfect pumpkin. By the end of the trip they all had their favorites cut and loaded up to take home.
It is always so much fun to be able to take the kids out of the four church walls and let them experience that God is real everywhere. 
We were able to tell them that just as they had picked the most perfect pumpkin and each pumpkin was way different then the others, that is exactly how God felt about each one of them...that they are each different in their own rights and hand picked by God and he thinks they are perfect!

1 comment:

ourjoyfulljourney said...

What a perfect day! We had a blast!!! :)