Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Pastor Tommy Ruiz Drops By!

As the month of January comes to an end, we praise God for allowing our fellowship to start off the new year with a bang!  We were blessed to have Pastor Tommy Ruiz and his wife, Joanna come visit our fellowship.  They wasted no time blessing us!  Pastor Tommy encouraged the body with worship and teaching during Wednesday and Sunday evening service!  He also encouraged the men during our monthly men's bible study.  Joanna Ruiz blessed the women by being a speaker for our women's conference.  She also encouraged our children's ministry during their monthly meeting.  Pastor Tommy and Joanna are more than just a visiting missionary couple.   They are extended family and the Lord has used them tremendously!  They are indeed, an integral part of our fellowship.  In fact, our Pastor Tom considers Pastor Tommy Ruiz to be "his" pastor and mentor just as the Apostle Paul mentored and nurtured Timothy in the faith.    Please pray for the Ruiz family, as they are praying for us!

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