Friday, April 06, 2012

We Remember Good Friday

Taken from Raul Ries, Senior Pastor of Calvary Chapel Golden Springs:

Today is a significant day for both the Jews and the Christians. On this day, Christ was delivered up to be crucified, and it began the Jewish celebration of Passover, at sundown. Today is Good Friday and the beginning of Passover.

In Matthew, Christ warned His disciples, it would be no ordinary Passover celebration. It would be the ultimate Passover. There would be no need for the blood of lambs to cover their sins. The Lamb of God would shed His own blood to cover their sins, from the past to the present and into the future.

That is what Passover was for the Jews. They understood the reasons for the shed blood of the sacrificial lambs, but they missed all the prophecies pointing to the final Sacrificial Lamb.

It was not just Christ proclaiming to be the Messiah, there were signs. There were so many prophecies fulfilled. Why did they miss the Messiah? He was not what they were looking for.

They wanted God to establish His kingdom here on earth. They wanted Christ to overthrow the Roman government and take control of Israel. They read the Word of God, but they did not accept what God was telling them. It was never His plan to set up His kingdom here.

Sometimes, we miss the Messiah, because things are not what we want or expect. God has a plan, and it is bigger and better than anything we could imagine. We have to trust in Him, have faith and embrace the Cross of our salvation.

One drop of Christ’s blood is worth more
than heaven and earth.
-Martin Luther-

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