Saturday, May 19, 2012

"H.A.L.O.S." Conference for Calvary Colonial Kids Ministry@CCW

 Heidi Barrera gives a warm Welcome!
 The Love of the Saints for one another...
 Carol Hughes our Guest Speaker on Special Needs Kids
 Jana and Jenice around the Hospitality Suite
 A table full of goodies for all!
 A time of worship by Brandon Powell of CC Virginia Beach
 Heidi and Abby who helped in watching the little ones today
 Carol and Heidi
 More awesome worship!
 Brandon leading in worship
 Time to lift Holy hands unto the Lord
Heidi begins her teaching
Heidi and Miss Carol another wonderful helper in Children's Ministry today. 
We were blessed today to have many people from fellow Calvary Chapel's and other churches to participate in our first "H.A.L.O.S." Conference! We were so excited to share to those churches who either have Special Needs children in their Children's Ministry and/or they may have one day. 

Thank you to all who helped make this all possible!

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