Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Outreach at Mike's Surf shop

Once a month we head out to Mike's Surf shop and share God's word with the kids who come to skate. This month John Barrera gave a devotion on being a "Poser" and how God is never a Poser but always a true friend who loves them always!
There were more then 60 kids who showed up to skate. They get to skate for free if they sit and listen to worship and God's word! What an awesome opportunity to reach these young kids who may not have heard about God any other way!
It was so amazing to see the skate park filled with kids and to have them bow their heads in prayer! I am in AWE of what God can do if you are just faithful to "Go" and "Do"!
Hey Ms. Brit!
At the end of the message the kids are given an opportunity to except Jesus into their lives. It was a blessing to see the young kids raise their hands. Afterwards they are invited to meet with Pastor Tom and to receive a Bible and be encouraged! God you are so GOOD!! Continue to pray for these young kids who show up each month and hear God's word, after we leave many never hear or see an example of God in their lives until we return again the following month!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is an amazing sight, to see kids bowing thier heads in prayer, and standing up to recieve Jesus!!!! Praise God for john and Pastor Tom, being available!!!!