Thursday, July 22, 2010

The Town of Arequipa

It has been an amazing time in Arequipa. Here are a few pictures of the town and of the building and tearing down of a building. The first chruch service was held Sunday in the building for the new church plant. Pastor Mike taught, Matthew lead in worship and the team shared.

During the week the team has visited parks with outreach & skits, gone to schools and everywhere they go they are telling about the GOOD NEWS of Jesus. The are telling about being born again and having a relationship with Jesus and beginning a new life.

Over 50 people have given their lives to Jesus despite the attacks of satan. Once, while at the park the police tried to stop them and at another area near a denominational church a guard would not allow the skits to take place... but the Holy Spirit continued in leading. Tracts were given out and two 17 year old boys accepted the Lord.

One day they traveled by bus and witnessed to the bus driver and he too accepted the Lord.

The team continues by faith to reach out with the love of Jesus.. and when asked if they want to rest or to GO teach and preach..... they say GO!!

What mighty examples of Christ.... Let us all GO for JESUS today!!

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