Friday, August 06, 2010

Latest Happenings in Trinidad!

Greetings to all our friends and family,

It's been almost two months since our last update and so much has happened. God in His amazing grace has continued to use our family for His Glory, we had many challenges but many more blessings and rewards.

We have since started a youth fellowship on Saturday evenings with 6 teens and 2 pre-teens; Jon or Francis usually shares a word with the guys and then they play games or go out for ice cream. On July 4th the six young men who accepted Christ all got baptized; what an incredible day that was. They have been attending bible study and fellowship regularly, they sing with Jon for praise and worship and are learning to play the guitar while memorizing scripture and the books of the bible.

God has also been working in Francis and has given him a vision to organize a family workshop/conference that would not only share the Gospel but also bring the churches and people together. The focus is to try and re-establish the core values of the family and to know what God requires of us as His children so that we can "walk worthy of the calling of which we were called".

The workshop/conference is scheduled for November 5th and 6th, everyone that we have shared the vision with is very receptive and willing to work alongside us. Francis will also be teaching evangelism at a local church for four weeks. We have also been praying for another place where we can worship and God has opened up a door that would make it possible for us to do so. A local pastor who lives in our neighborhood has opened up his home to us for bible study and fellowship, this is truly an amazing blessing.

We have truly seen the hands of Satan at work these past weeks, Ephesians warns us that "we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age", BUT we serve an awesome God who is Great and Mighty and "we are confident that He who has begun a good work in us here in Trinidad will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ" (Eph 1:6)

Adina and the boys have gotten all their documents completed for dual citizenship from immigration, this now allows them to apply for their local ID cards and jobs. The boys continue to settle and adjust; Adrian is still working, Jon is getting ready to start home school and Brandon is enjoying the rest of the summer he will start home school in September. On July 17th Francis celebrated his 54th birthday, on August 9th Adrian will be 22 and on September 4th Adina will be..........celebrating her next birthday!

Please pray alongside with us:
-As we continue to share the Gospel with the people of this community and nation.
-For our new brothers in Christs and for their families salvation.
-For God's wisdom and direction in regards to the workshop/conference.
-For continued guidance, protection and provision.
-For Francis as he prepares to teach evangelism
-For the young people of this nation that they will seek God for guidance and direction in their lives.

Thanks to everyone for your continued prayers, if you would like to support this ministry please send financial contributions to GO! Ministries
Acct. # 1251
PO Box 651
Norco, CA 92860
Or donate online at

You can also send personal mails to
Celestine Family
46 Carib Circular
LaPlatta Gardens,
KP Lands, Valencia
Trinidad, W.I.

In His Grace
The Celestine family

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