Saturday, August 14, 2010

Soul Survivors on Danger Island - week 5

Hard to believe that we have finished up our last week of VBS!
I suppose they are right when they say "Time flies when you are having FUN!"
How much more fun is it when you are involved in the things of the Lord :)
This week we visited Boggy Swamp and learned to Obey God as we saw how His ways are so much better then anything we could plan.
They made the cutest craft this week...SIN SWATTERS...they were fly swatters they made to remind us to swat away the things that keep us from getting close to God and following after Him with all that we have! Also it was crazy hat night and we saw some pretty crazy and creative hats..they all looked so cute!
We have enjoyed this VBS greatly and have been blessed to see all that God has done to reach the hearts of our kids as they were faithful to participate each week, worshiping a Mighty God, Storing scripture in their hearts, seeking God through His Word. The crafts, snacks and games were an awesome extra blessing :)

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