Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Today's the Day to Be Courageous

Courageous is coming to theaters Sept. 30. It's understandable to think, "Oh, it will play for a long time ... I'll catch it when I have time." The reality is, however, how a movie does on its opening weekend determines how long a movie lasts in theaters.

Just as you'd do for a concert or to watch your favorite team play, make time to see Courageous on the weekend of Sept. 30-Oct. 2. Watch the trailer above and then get your tickets for opening weekend!

While we normally don't get excited about motion pictures, especially those that come from secular "Hollywood", we encourage our body to support and be ministered by films that accurately promote Christian values.  This particular movie shamelessly shares the gospel of Jesus Christ in an exciting and dynamic way!  

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