Tuesday, August 21, 2012

CalvaryCW Family Day!

Saturday, September 1st, 9am - 3pm

The summer may be ending but it does not mean we cannot have one last hurrah! The entire CalvaryCW fellowship, family & friends are welcome to join us at Freedom Park Williamsburg as we close out the summer.

“And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.”
     Hebrews 10:24-25

CCW will provide hamburgers, hotdogs and condiments. We also have signup sheets in the church for potluck and side dishes. Please bring your own drinks.

For those adventuresome of body and spirit, you may wish to challenge yourself on the GoApe high-element rope obstacle course! The price is $55 for adults, $35 for kids 10-17.

The park offers mountain bike and historic walking trails. So pack accordingly! We will be setup for volleyball, corn-hole-toss, and horse-shoe-throw, so there will be something for everyone!

We will need volunteers for setup and clean up too! Please direct any questions to Tim Quillin (tim.quillin@yahoo.com).

Please join the CalvaryCW family from 9am to 3pm, to hang out, cook out, and even "Go Ape" to end the summer on a FUN note!

NOTE: if you use GPS, the address (5537 Centerville Rd, Williamsburg, VA) will bring you to the intersection of Longhill and Centerville Roads. From that intersection continue on Hotwater Trail to the entrance of the Park and on to our group.

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