Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Ben and Ashley with Pastor Tom

Ben and Ashley are from Arizona and were visiting Williamsburg. Ben attended the same school of ministry in California which Pastor Tom did and they know many of the same people from school. Wow, is the world small or is God just really big and sovereign? May God continue to knit His people together according to His purpose and plan because His ways are higher than ours! Amen

1 comment:

Pastor Tom Hallman said...

Wow, what awesome family in the Lord! The Lord is so good to bring folks from around the World to come and visit and bless us! Ben is a fellow CC Costa Mesa School of Ministry Grad! We have such wonderful blessings we share about CCCM SoM...it was also so cool to meet Ashley,we can see why God has brought the two of them together! Thanks you guys for spending time with us!