Saturday, December 29, 2012

CC Philly Men's Conference

The Men's conference in Philly was an incredible time. It was filled with good teaching, pleasant fellowship and wonderful hospitality by our host family Rob and Suze. Jon Courson, Raul Ries, Pancho Juarez and Ken Graves were the speakers for the event, and they brought challenging messages from the Lord. It was a long journey to Philadelphia but it was well worth it!

A small group of the guys at the conference. 

Pastor Jon Courson gave a stirring message on the need for each of us to confess our sins. It was truly one of the best nuggets of the day.

Traveling in the van is always relaxing.

The Men who went to CC Philly! It was a lovely day to travel.

Some of the brothers from CC Fredericjsburg who met us at the  conference.

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