Saturday, December 29, 2012

Insight: William and Mary

The Insight ministry led by Michael Hagen has continued to bring the truth of Jesus to the college campus of William and Mary. The ground is hard, but with God all things are possible. Please continue to pray for Michael and the team as they will begin working again when the school semester resumes.

A smattering of students gathered together for insight on Sunday morning. It  was a uniquely Christ centered service  on the campus. May the Lord bless and multiply the fruit being produced.

Jeanne was part of the team leading the outreach to the students.

Excitement and enthusiasm are just part and parcel of the man, Michael Hagen.

The Way family and Jason generously gave of their time and  led worship for Insight! A big thank you to them for their sacrifices for the good of the kingdom.

May these lyrics ever be on our hearts and minds as the outreach at William and Mary continues.

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