Monday, June 14, 2010

CCK Berry Picking Trip - College Run Farm in Surry, Va.

We were truly blessed with a beautiful day to pick blueberries. Not a rain drop or cloud in sight! 97 degrees, so each breeze that would come by we would Thank God!
The kids had so much fun. It was so neat to watch them walk through God's nature and look for good fruit. It was even cuter to turn around and see little Bella (2 years old) pick a berry and stuff it into her mouth...she enjoyed them so much! We took 17 kids and 6 adults..we had so much fun..God is always so great to bless His children!

1 comment:

CalvaryCW said...

Wish i were there too! :( i missed all of the fun!!! I'm blessed you all were blessed...see you all soon...ptom